DFES operates an automatic fire alarm monitoring network with over 4330 DBAs across Western Australia, conforming to AS 1670.3. The CodeRed ASE Model MK4 is a new dual cellular device designed and manufactured in Australia. It conforms to AS 4428.6:2018 and is certified for use in Australia with ActivFire Certificate of Conformity afp—3776. MK4 is provided to DFES customers for automatic fire alarm monitoring in Western Australia, whether for new DBA connections or maintenance replacements.
The MK4 is designed with near field communication (NFC) technology requiring key fob or mobile app to place the MK4 into the TESTMODE. During the transitional period, DFES will initially supply customers with a temporary key fob (site key), which will be disabled once the mobile app is ready for the fire industry in Western Australia.
Documents can be found here