State-wide Telstra outage.
DFES Announcement – Telstra Network Outage Please be aware that an issue with the Telstra Data network service (IPWAN) is affecting DFES network connectivity. The issue is currently…[Read More…]
DFES Announcement – Telstra Network Outage Please be aware that an issue with the Telstra Data network service (IPWAN) is affecting DFES network connectivity. The issue is currently…[Read More…]
Tech Bulletin (Jul 2014 – 3) DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DIRECT BRIGADE ALARM (DBA) TECHNICAL BULLETIN JULY 2014 (ADVICE 3) AS1670.1 (2004) requires the electrical installation to the…[Read More…]
ATTN: Fire Service Agents AS1670.1 (2004) requires the electrical installation to the Fire Indicator Panel to comply with AS3000. AS3000 (2007) requires that the supply to the FIP be specifically compliant…[Read More…]
ATTN: Fire Service Agents DFES will no longer connect ANY fire indicator panel (FIP) to the DBA network where the Alarm Signalling Equipment (ASE) cannot be mounted between 750mm and…[Read More…]