AS3000 Compliance
ATTN: Fire Service Agents
AS1670.1 (2004) requires the electrical installation to the Fire Indicator Panel to comply with AS3000. AS3000 (2007) requires that the supply to the FIP be specifically compliant to Clauses &
These requirements are not the obligation of the fire alarm service agent, but the electrician and the contractor connecting the essential primary supply to the FIP.
The signage at the entrances may be resolved by placing the Main Switch Board location on the FIP zone plan, or contractors may elect to install the signage as required.
Failure to comply with either of these requirements will delay new DBA connections. See links below to view attachments for requirement details and examples.
AS3000 Clause – Cct Brkr ID Signage
AS3000 Clause – Cct Brkr ID Signage (Example)
AS3000 Clause – Main SB Location Signage
AS3000 Clause – Main SB Location Signage (Example – Zone Plan)
Contact details for the DBACM can be found at: /contacts/#dfes